

265 Bukit Batok East Avenue 4 #01-403 Singapore 650265


265 Bukit Batok East Avenue 4 #01-403 Singapore 650265

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  • Eileen K
    April 18, 2017 at 2:05 pm

    Dr Vanessa and her staff are a very kind-hearted and highly experienced group of people who always does their best when it comes to the care and health of every animal that goes through the clinic doors.

    We’ve been clients/patients of My Family Vet since 3 years ago when we got our first dog and we’ve been recommending family and friends here ever since despite the long waiting time.

    Thank you for all your hard work and time!




  • Don Ong
    March 11, 2018 at 9:04 am

    My dog was hospitalised on wednesday evening , took a blood test and was told that her liver was bad and need to be hospitalised.Very bad with bad services. Only tell us to wait for another blood test without telling us what really is the problem only saying liver is bad. Need to monitor her for 48 hours to do another blood test was all we were told. Being a dog owner we treats our dog like our children and the doctor need to think in our position. My dog being admitted since wednesday. When I came by the 3 times on thursday to see our baby there wasn’t a time for us to speak to the doctor and no updates from her except through the nurses.It’s alright to earn money and only right to do since its a business but it’s not to be done in this way. It’s our first time here and it will definitely our last. Last but not least when i got my dog discharged today morning (Friday) I discovered that my baby was so thirsty that I was feeding her water constantly while on the way to our family vet. It’s a very sad thing to see that the care and updates wasn’t given to worried pet owners like us. Advise to all is that always seek treatment from those old school vet who still grow with the technologies as they still have their old school methods and most importantly experience…




  • ปั้มไลค์
    August 5, 2019 at 11:08 am

    Like!! I blog quite often and I genuinely thank you for your information. The article has truly peaked my interest.




  • Christy
    April 18, 2020 at 9:51 am

    I have been there twice with 2 different doctors. Both were warm and professional. Showed compassion to my dogs and were efficient to treat dogs. The only downside is to get ready to deal with the snobbish receptionists. Rude, impatient and gave me the wrong medicine without an apology. What a shame.




  • Rico
    September 5, 2020 at 2:20 am

    Don’t send a message in their FB page. This clinic will not reply even if the message was read. They will not bother to reply to your email as well. The average waiting time is 2-3 hours for consultation. Booking an appointment is also not useful as we were made to wait at least 2 hrs. Went there as it’s near our place and we don!t need to flag a taxi. Regretted doing so. I will never ever recommend this clinic. Bad service.




  • Philip
    April 9, 2021 at 9:38 am

    I would have given a 1/4 star if I could. Brought my dog on the 26th Feb to this clinic and was attended by veterinarian Vanessa after my dog had a fall and she wobbles when she walk. Was recommended x-ray and blood test. Given a jab and some medication and was billed $900+, diagnose was a neck issue. 3 weeks later 16th March, my dog had a relapse, and this time her front legs was not functioning as normally she would. As this clinic closed on every Tuesday, we had to call for their emergency service. Tried calling from 11am, but was only able to see the vet at 6pm. What kind of emergency service is this? Attended by the same vet Vanessa, was recommended x-ray and blood test again, diagnose this time was neck and spine issue. And had to admit my dog for a night observation. Next day morning we waited about 3hrs to see the vet. The vet suggested to admit my dog for another night for observation only or we could bring her home. So we decided to bring my dog home if it’s just observation. This time we were billed $1300+. Yesterday, my dog had a relapse again. Called this clinic, and the nurse on duty told us to wait till next day as they were closed. All we needed was a call back from Vanessa or a memo so we could inform the other emergency vet clinic. And to my amaze, she ‘managed’ to called us today 7th April at 2pm when my little furkid was already cremated this morning. I am totally disgusted by this clinic/vet integrity. What kind of vet/doctor will not even give a call back to his/her patient when there’s a emergency required. What we needed was just a call back so at least the other vet clinic will know what is happening and what was her previous diagnoses/medication was. I am not a vet/doctor, but I know basic responsibility is a must have virtue. What kind of EMERGENCY calls back and attends to a case after 7 hours of wait?! And all they do is just recommending x-ray and blood test. I am wondering how this clinic is still operating as per now. I should have seek for other vet opinion instead of trusting them the second time as I thought they would knew better when they have all the records of my furkid.




  • Fiona
    May 17, 2021 at 1:20 am

    We definitely do not recommend My Family Vet if your pets are in need of medical attention. Perhaps for routine check-ups or vaccinations it will be fine, but even then, we strongly suggest that you exercise caution and beware of the risks of possibly being overcharged abruptly for services or products (without them giving you a heads-up or explanation) as well as sloppy diagnosis and treatment.

    Not sure where many of the positive reviewers observed any “compassion” and “caring” attitude because we certainly did not see that from either the doctor or the staff, during our multiple visits over the course of more than 1 year.

    For many months, our senior dog was subjected to the stress of a whole slew of checks and tests that racked up hefty vet bills, but even then there was no confirmed diagnosis or treatment plan after such a long duration, while her condition just rapidly deteriorated. Bloody vomit and bloody diarrhea several times, every single day. It was heartbreaking to watch, yet Dr Vanessa did not show any sign of concern, and dismissed our questions on every visit (it’ll be an exaggeration to call them “consultations” given the lack of care and poor bedside manner) with curt answers. No explanation was given for the ineffectiveness of the many different prescriptions and diagnoses she gave.

    We eventually went to another vet for a second opinion and quickly found out that it was stage 4 stomach cancer, and there was nothing we could do, not even surgery, therefore euthanasia ASAP was the best option.

    This was obviously caught too late; if we had realised it was cancer earlier on we could have at least given palliative care and let our dog spend her last few months peacefully and happily at home without enduring excessive stress and pain. The second clinic was also markedly different from My Family Vet’s poor excuse of “service” – the second vet was patient with our questions and advised the most affordable tests (as she knew we were students) and gave us many alternatives to consider, while explaining them clearly. We didn’t leave with major holes in our wallet time and again.

    It was traumatic and nerve-wracking to deal with My Family Vet. Unfortunately neither the doctor nor the staff there understood this, and seemed only interested in squeezing as much money out of us as possible. I sincerely hope they improve their service ASAP so that there won’t be more fur/feather babies suffering under their “care”.

    (Our Google Maps review of the clinic vanished shortly after we posted it, but we felt it was important to get this out.)




    • Jon Joo
      June 2, 2021 at 4:30 am

      Hi Fiona,
      Sorry to read about your experience.
      Could you share the contact of the second clinic you visited?
      I also thinking of changing from My Family Vet to another clinic..
      Many thanks,

  • Sara
    February 9, 2022 at 1:32 pm

    If you want your pet to go through endless tests with inconclusive results, if you want to come out of there with a bag full of medicine to the point that you need to write a full planner, and if you want to come out of there with no solution to your pets’ issue and hundreds of dollars poorer… then this is the right vet for you.
    Other then that, don’t go there!




  • June
    April 1, 2022 at 11:06 pm

    really lousy service, this is the only pet clinic that i’ve been that cannot book appointment only can walk in, you need to physically be there to queue for hours before it’s your turn, by the time you and your dog already very tired. Vet owner is very money minded and will use her words to convince you to do tests and take up unnecessary medications just to earn your money. Advisable to visit other clinics even if they are further away from your house..

  • Natalie
    April 1, 2022 at 11:10 pm

    Manpower is short as there is only one doctor, the clinic assistants also don’t know what are they doing. Need to wait very long for your turn. Doctor keep prescribing expensive treatments and medicines, don’t recommend going




  • Jackie Teo
    April 2, 2022 at 12:02 am

    pricey services.. staff is inexperienced and only one vet.. long waiting hours.. doctor very good with her words so will convince you to take up expensive treatments n medications




  • Elaine Chang
    April 2, 2022 at 4:39 am

    I went to my family vet because it is nearby my house and seems cheaper than other alternatives. However I waited for 2 hours before my turn outside the clinic and after adding on to the services recommended by the vet, the total cost is close to $500. This will be my first and last visit. Even though it is close to my house, I rather go somewhere else




  • Chin En
    April 3, 2022 at 5:14 pm

    very expensive




  • Shi En
    April 3, 2022 at 5:20 pm

    don’t recommend going, bad experience




  • Felicia
    April 4, 2022 at 4:29 am

    ridiculously long waiting hours and unprofessional services




  • Christine
    April 27, 2022 at 2:35 pm

    Second part of this review will be continued under Toffee’s other owner.People need to know this. We had brought our cat to this vet 5 years ago because it was nearby. We returned recently. Toffee has since passed after a rollercoaster of 2 weeks, the first week being utterly wasted at MFV. They did not directly cause her death, since the cause of her death still remains inconclusive. But MFV certainly did not help to prolong it either. Would she have made it if we had not taken her to MFV? Probably not, though it would have given us another week of precious time with each other. MFV would have instead accelerated her death had we not trusted our gut and sought a second vet and also not fed her the medication prescribed.

    1. Initial diagnosis was acute chest trauma. Evidence was fluid around chest area as seen from x-rays, and low platelet count. Dr administered multiple antibiotic and diuretic injection ($25 each jab), to flush the fluid out
    2. Dr spoke quickly and went back and forth between respiratory issue to possible heart issue, to acute chest trauma caused by either falling or hitting something. All very confusing
    3. After overnight stay, our cat seemed to be better, x-rays showed some reduction in fluid. We were relieved and brought her home. Nurse said medication could be syringe fed into mouth or mixed with food. Labels on the bottles also said the same.
    4. We thought it strange to be giving our cat antibiotics (since no infection was evident from test results and white and red blood cells were fine), and also diuretics (as she was already not eating or drinking much, and flushing fluids out of her would surely lead to dehydration). We decided not to give those 2 medications.
    5. We fed our cat ¼ of the painkiller pill as instructed, and she started foaming at the mouth. We were panicking and trying to help her while she ran from us. We later found out from google this was a normal reaction to the bitter pills. We received no such warning from the nurse. We were very stressed by this.
    5. Brought her back for an early review in 3 days and was determined that fluid had returned to her chest area. Dr suggested they call in an ECG specialist who can do heart ultrasound. We said we would think about it.
    6. Dr said medication cannot be mixed with cat food, as cats get suspicious of their food and would rather starve than eat it. I was distraught, thinking I had caused my cat’s poor appetite and in my panic I didn’t tell the Dr it was the nurse in point 3 who said meds could be mixed with food. I was furious because I was given the wrong instructions by the nurse.
    7. There was also no plan moving forward. If we went ahead with the pricey ECG and if it was not a heart issue, then what? Time was ticking.
    8. One of the nurses texted to ask if we were free to talk to the vet about the ECG now. We immediately replied yes. We waited for almost an hour. What does ‘now’ mean then?
    9. During the call, Dr kept repeating she is very worried for Toffee, and that it is a respiratory issue. When asked what does she mean, she couldn’t explain, and talked about the ECG (which was for the heart). It was back and forth from respiratory to heart, completely different things.

    1. Xrays are 2x the price compared to elsewhere ($95 1st image, $85 2nd image at MFV, while $96 for two images elsewhere. Almost half price)
    2. Our cat had to be ‘hospitalised’ there after the first visit, as Dr was worried for her and wanted to keep her for observation. In hindsight, the hospitalization was a waste of time as the environment is not conducive. Supposedly there is a nurse who sleeps ‘upstairs’. How often she comes down to check on the animals we don’t know. The fluids administered $76 for first bag, then $28 for maintenance, more injections for antibiotics and diuretics and painkiller ($150 for 6 jabs)
    3. Given antibiotic and diuretic for our cat at home for almost $70. We decided not to give her these as explained in point 4 above.
    4. I commented about the low food and water intake. Dr said not to worry and brought out 2 syringes, and spoke quickly about how we won’t need to administer anything else once we brought her home. I thought she was going to give Toffee something for the food and water issue I brought up. Only upon paying did I see it was more of the stupid antibiotic and diuretic injections (at $25 per jab). AGAIN. At this point, I couldn’t go back to Dr because she was seeing another patient, and the jabs had already been done. I was fuming when I left but just wanted to quickly bring my cat home.
    5. Total for first day: $800+ Second day (after overnight stay): $400+ Review Session: $200+

    About the environment:
    1. Hectic, noisy environment. Doorways are cramped, nurses and people frequently hit against doorframes.
    2. Nurses rapidly walk in and out of the small waiting area outside. Looked rushed most of the time.
    3. Only one vet and she rushes through the consult. You barely have time to breathe. You are given time to think through certain decisions but the space is cramped and there’s no privacy. The environment is not conducive for making important decisions and creates a false sense of urgency.
    4. Clinic does not close by their closing time. It is obvious there is poor time management, and appointments are not honoured. The staffs are overworked, and they do not seem like they have capacity to properly care for pets and their owners who are already worried
    5. One of the days there was a yelping dog/puppy. In the small space this yelping was loud, and agitated our cat. The waiting area outside is no different. Kaypo aunties and uncles walk by and ‘chit-chat’ to you (I don’t blame the clinic for this, it’s just an issue with the location and waiting area situated right at a walkway).

    The second clinic was night and day to MFV. I will not name the clinic but I feel it is necessary to show the difference in treatment.

    At the other vet
    – not overcrowded
    – peaceful and calm environment
    – appointments are honoured
    – More than one vet
    – Nurses and staff also calm
    – Vet has time to explain findings, and explain possible steps. Even though situation was dire we felt supported and had space to make decisions.
    – Immediately did a procedure in-house to remove fluid on first visit, relieve pressure on her chest (which as we read online after is the FIRST thing a vet should do for pleural effusion, thereafter the fluids are sent for testing to diagnose the root cause). We also finally had a name for the fluid build up.
    – Follow up emails and calls, clinical summary after each session emailed to us promptly
    – Updated promptly whenever respective test results came in
    – Helped with referral to a hospital and transition
    – Only necessary procedures and tests were done
    – Appetite stimulant cream to rub on Toffee’s ears were prescribed. MFV has no such cream, or it was not suggested.

    Treatment process at second vet:
    Remove fluid=>Send fluid for respective tests=>Do ECG=>Narrow down possible root causes=>Diagnose and treat

    Treatment process at MFV:
    Inject with antibiotics and diuretics =>Monitor overnight+administer fluids=>More antibiotics and diuretics=>ECG with specialist=>??

    Both vets at other clinic and the hospital asked if we fed Toffee the antibiotics and diuretics from MFV and were relieved when we said no. They agreed they were “not suitable” and it was “appropriate that we didn’t administer”.

    You’re better off taking your pet to a hospital. Toffee was eventually referred to a hospital, where she was hooked up to a blood pressure monitor, heart rate monitor, and other surveillance tools. Whereas during her ‘overnight stay’ at MFV, I doubt any of these were done. Makes me wonder what kind of observation they do. The costs and treatment at the hospital were not cheap but well worth the price. Toffee was taken care of and had the best available support even as she passed from low blood pressure and weakness.

  • Aki
    June 28, 2022 at 2:49 am

    The worst experience.

    The receptionist was being sarcastic and rude.
    I had an appointment and despite this i had to wait TWO HOURS to check my cat in for sterilization.

    After that they told me it wouldn’t take that long, turns out I had to CHASE THEM and ask if the sterilization is done or not and they finally got back to me at near midnight on a weekday. Mind you my appointment was in the morning and it took a little over 12 whole hours for me to pick up my cat.

    And the fees were outrageous with all the tests and treatments they did. The form they gave beforehand states an estimate amount and it turns out the actual price WELL EXCEEDED the estimate amount (by 50% in my case).

    wasted an entire day just to sterilize my cat.
    sarcastic receptionist wasn’t helping with my issue.
    had to chase the vet just to get my cat back.
    got hit with fees that are well above their “estimated amount”

    Don’t go to this vet, I don’t care if it’s “walkable distance” from your home or the grab cost to go there is cheaper than any other clinic, it’s literally not worth your time, money and sanity.

    Do yourself and your pet a favour, just go to any other clinic than this one.




  • S G
    April 23, 2023 at 1:59 am

    I realize this review might be emotional and a little anger filled. But I will try to remain impartial. I am not one to write reviews on anything in general, but after reading some of the reviews on here, I would like to add my story/experience, so others can make an informed decision if they wish to visit this clinic. 

    We brought our cat, Tammy, on the 17th April. 

    She is/was our very senior cat, she lived 24 long/happy years. Overtime, she grew weaker, moved slower, and it came to the point where she was immobile and no longer eating & drinking. Emotionally & Mentally, we were prepared that it was time for her to cross that bridge, and we wanted to do this in the most humane way. We brought her to the vet with the request to have her euthanized. 

    Our request was harshly criticized and essentially denied. Whilst I respect the Vet’s scientific take (blood panel did not show any terminal illness but an infection), anyone who would’ve seen our cat and knew her journey, should’ve shown empathy, compassion and humanity. I found her overly aggressive and confrontational. Whilst I heard where she was coming from, I don’t feel she saw where we were coming from. I asked about Quality of Life, so what if she does overcome the infection, she is still just as weak, just as old. In the end, we felt pressured and gave in to the suggestion to have her hospitalized 2 nights whilst on IV antibiotics. 

    On the 21st April, our cat came back home. She was a little more alert and ate a little, I’m sure the 2 days IV drip did her good, but back home on her own, she quickly turned within a day, once again refusing to eat. It was heartbreaking trying to feed her as she literally clenched her jaw shut. I felt we did all we could, and our cat knew that.  I knew our cat was telling us, no more please. Let me go. 

    I was surprised that the vet gave pastes and pills, despite us telling them beforehand, she will never eat it, and was told we’d be given injection medication to give at home. This was not provided. 

    We tried. We tried our best. And our cat, she fought so hard. But we/she knew it was time. 

    Feeling soured from the whole ordeal of the past few days, and seeing our cat take a turn for the worse so quickly, we hired a different professional Vet service to come to our home, to do the humane thing, which should’ve been done that Monday. When we were ready. When our cat was ready. 

    After video consults, the on-call vet without hesitation agreed it was time, and we made an appointment for that evening at 8pm. Sadly our Tammy passed before the on-call vet could come to our home to give her a peaceful and dignified goodbye. Instead, we had to witness first hand, watch our lifelong pet of 24 years pass on, traumatically, gasping for air, and choking herself to the final moments, I watched as her eyes glazed and her body stiffened. 

    This was not the death she deserved. And sure it’s easy to point fingers and be angry. 

    I am not angry at the ‘scientific’ approach suggested, but I am upset that beyond that our cat’s quality of life was not taken into consideration. There was no empathy/compassion/humanity given. We felt pushed and coerced into taking all these extra measures and tests (everything was well over $900 all in) – money aside and in times like this, it felt slightly tasteless to be pushed numerous expensive methods. After reading all the reviews on here, our experience is not isolated. 

    Anyone, ANYONE who would’ve seen the state of our cat in her final days, would not have allowed her to spend her final days in the ICU, with multiple tests, medications being forced and her last moments in such agony. 

    I’m sorry to say but I would absolutely not recommend this clinic if you’re expecting care & compassion beyond the blood test. 

    (disclaimer: this is no personal attack/vendetta to the clinic/vet/assistant – I am sure they are well qualified medically speaking, it’s the compassion that was completely lacking). Just sharing our first hand overall experience with our beloved pet, had we known in hindsight these reviews, we would’ve gotten a 2nd opinion immediately). 




  • Alan
    August 11, 2023 at 9:56 am

    Hi S G, next time you can try West Coast Vet .Is much much cheaper than the clinic you visit.The vet will also very patiently explained to you.

  • Intan
    December 2, 2023 at 9:32 am

    I sent my cat, Gimbi for neutering on Wednesday and received a text that i was able to pick him up in an hour’s time. Nope, ended up waiting for almost two hours.

    Brought my baby back home and mind you this wasn’t our first time sending our cat for neutering (our eldest cat and three of my mum’s) to this vet hence the reason why we decided to sent Gimbi here. Charged for neutering and also for dental cos it was recommended by Dr.

    Upon reaching home, when we let him slowly get out of his carrier, to our horror, his padding, his hind legs and his freshly neutered balls covered in blood. His ball was swollen and there was excessive bleeding it looked like a murder scene.

    Took photos and videos immediately and was asked to bring Gimbi back to the clinic. The first question asked was ‘By any chance did he jumped out of his carrier?” My cat was in a daze bruh and barely could carry himself out on his own. He was asked to stay overnight. Charged again for the overnight stay and had to made a deposit of 100.

    He looked better and we brought him home.
    Charged again for another 100ish for food, injections etc.

    Gimbi was unable to eat, drink and all wasn’t able to stand as his hind legs were weak.

    May my baby rest in peace. I lost my child.
    Texted the groupchat to inform that Gimbi passed and no replies at all.




  • KT
    May 6, 2024 at 11:20 am

    If I could give them zero stars for services, I would. Reception staff has been rude and impatient; unwilling to give more explanations when we had more questions. Perhaps the nurse at the reception is in the wrong industry. Queue is always long and price is very high. Would not recommend at all.




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